Hey, Mom. I got a gig!
Oh, that’s wonderful, Richard. What sort of “gig” is it?
It’s in a poem…
That’s nice. Those are usually very uplifting.
It’s not a big part, but it’s getting a lot of play. The poem, I mean.
What’s the name of this poem?
“The Second Coming.”
That sounds rather…evangelical.
No, Mom. It’s by William Butler Yeats.
Well, yeah…
No, that’s very nice. They’ve written some fine poems. They do like to have their little tipsy dreams one way or another.
Mom! It’s good. I’m at the very end.
Oh, my. The grand finale. What does it say?
“What rough beast…”
Richard. Our family have always been “creatures.” “Beasts” is common.
It’s not really me, Mom. I play a beast in the poem.
Still, wouldn’t “creature” have scanned as well?
Mom, he’s a famous writer. He liked “beast.”
Hmm…What else does it say?
“And what rough -whatever-, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”
Are you sure this isn’t some kind of cult thing?
What? No.
Well, we knew several Catholics when you were growing up and they have saints for any occasion. I think there’s a chart somewhere to help them pray. It can get very complicated. Also, you shouldn’t slouch.
Well, anyway, that’s me when you get a chance to read it.
Is that it?
Uh, yeah. Why?
It’s just that Grendel stopped by the other day and was asking after you. You remember; he got the wonderful starring role in Beowulf.
Yeah. I’ve heard about that. A lot. It was pretty gruesome.
Yes, it was a bit distasteful, with the arm and the blood and his…dining habits. Still…
Still, what, Mom?
I was just going to say…Well… He did get that part for his mother.
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Wow–helicopter mom meets a lit major! I love it!!
No wonder ‘Wulf and the guys liked to kick back a bit in the “man cave” mead hall.
Once you had the exterminator in, it was pretty mellow.
Glad it sparked a chuckle. Thanks.