
Intelligence Equivalency Test

Mount Rushmore with carved images of four presidents

How do you stack up against others when it comes to general knowledge?

You’re not “standard” so why be embarrassed by the same old “standardized” testing?

Get credit for all the facts rattling around in your brain like loose change.

Take today’s short Quizlet ® to celebrate your widely scattered mentality.

Today’s topic: Political “Science”

The Panama Canal is:

  • A dental procedure
  • A pressure-regulating duct to the middle ear
  • A former American public works project donated to a foreign country

Which is funnier, a dodo, a possum or a weasel?  Explain, using only currently serving political figures.

Which of the following posed/poses the greatest threat to Western civilization?

  • Rasputin
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Dern Tutin

Match each president with a different denomination of currency on which his likeness should appear.  If you believe no denomination is appropriate for a given individual, suggest another paper product.

Image: FreeImages in Pixabay

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