A word from our sponsor.*
Got a bet on the rainfall in Uruguay in 1952?
World’s longest tapeworm, in centimeters?
Come on in to Stats ‘n’ Facts, the direct-to-you info warehouse.
These are the vaults where Google dares not go. Outwonk your friends with the ultimate in nano-trivia. Smack down those smug doubters with certified copies of the real stats. Used or never been cited; we have ‘em both.
Facts may not be trendy right now, but their time’s a’coming. So be ready for the big Reality Revival with your own Bucket of Truth.
StarterStat Sample Pack is a nice intro and goes for the equivalent of 2350 Polish zlotys (1963 exchange rate.)
*We don’t really have sponsors. Bit if we did, this seems like it might be one of them.
Image by S. Hermann at Pixabay
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